There are two modes of licensing at the moment. The option can be accessed using MBSAbout command in software with or newer version.

The dongle license is based on the USB dongle. The software license is based on a licence key which can be linked to a single computer at one time.

MBS About Dialog

How to upgrade to the Subscription Software License?

  • Once you purchase a Subscription license from MBS, We will provide you with a Subscription version License key.
  • Type MBSAbout on Autocad command line. Then Select License Key and click Manage License.
  • Paste the new key to the License Key textbox and Press Update.
  •  Press Activate. (Internet connection is required).
  • The software validates the license regularly with our license server to allow the license to be used on multiple computers.
  • Sometimes firewall or anti-virus restrictions can block the license activation and validation. Contact us for details about the license server address which the IT team might need in order to allow the activation.

* The plugin can be installed and used on multiple computers. There is a 30 min cooling off period once the plugin is used on one computer before it can be used on another computer.

Subscription License Update

How to transfer software license to another computer?

  • The plugin can be installed and used on multiple computers.
  • There is a 30 min cooling off period once the plugin is used on one computer before it can be used on another computer.
  • If the plugin needs to be used before the cooling off period, the license needs to be de-activated from the computer where it was last used.
  • Type MBSAbout on Autocad command line Or Go to Help Menu on MBS Calculations, Register or Report dialog and  then click Manage License.
  • Press Deactivate
  • Once it is de-activated, it can be used on another computer.

Register by Model

  1. What layer names are used by Register by model to detect the polylines?
    The Register Model section – Layers tab shows list of all the layer names. Create Registration Layers button creates all the required layers in one go.
  2. Can only windows be registered on their own?
    Yes. Without Rooms option should be ticked
  3. Can Rooms be registered on their own?
    Yes. If windows are already registered with same building and floor address.
    Perform 1. Pre-Reg Room then 3. Register by model. Windows will be linked to the rooms
    No. If windows are not registered with same building and floor address.
  4. How can window/room address be updated if they are added/removed after the initial registration?
    Register dialog /Update Mode/ Re-Number button allows to renumber windows and rooms. Building polyline and building name block are required. Re-Numbering can be done for partial floor, single floor or entire building.
  5. Can window/room name be started from a different location in the building?
    The first window and the order is determined by the starting point and order of building polyline vertices. Redraw the polyline to match the requirement and perform renumbering.
  6. Why could not the building name and/or starting floor be determined from the building detail block?
    • The block must be on Building_Polylines layer.
    • The block’s base point must be within the outlining building polyline
    • The starting floor name must already exist on the floor name combobox(loaded from FloorList.txt)

What are the steps to specify Room Type via Room polyline layers for Registration?

  • Create layers for room type in the strict format of Room_Polylines_Roomtype e.g. Room_Polylines_Bedroom
    • Register dialog- Register Model section – Layers tab has Create Room Type Layers for Room Polyline button which can create the layers from the list of room types.
    • It is also possible to set layer colors for room type layers.
  • The room type name must be present on the RoomType.txt file. The list can be viewed on Register dialog /Room tab/ Room type combobox
  • Room type will be set based on the layer name of the room polyline during registration
  • It is supported by both individual room registration and register by model
    Avoid these characters (‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘^’, ‘\”‘, ‘:’, ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘|’, ‘;’, ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘@’) in the room type name as it is not supported by Autocad on layer names

How to specify the values for the new Maintenance Factor (dirt factor)?

It is based on the BS 8206-2:2008 guideline (Lighting for buildings. Code of practice for daylighting).
Maintenance factor = 100% – (loss% x exposure multiplier x special exposure multiplier) e.g. 100% – 8%x1x1 = 92% (0.92)

  • The default value used are loss of daylight = 8 (Urban, Residential), exposure = 1(Normal exposure, Vertical), special exposure = 1(not used).
  • The exposure multiplier depends on the exposure type and the window inclination.


Exposure Exposure multiplier
Vertical glazing Inclined glazing Horizontal glazing
Normal exposure x1 x2 x3
Exposed to heavy Rain x0.5 x1.5 x3
Exposed to snow x1 x3 x4


  • For example, Glazing transmittance of BRE recommended clean, clear double glazing with a low emissivity window is 0.68.
  • In the old version of software, this value used to be modified to include the maintenance factor and value of 0.63(0.68 x 0.92) would be used as glazing transmittance.
  • In the new version of software, full glazing transmittance of 0.68 should be used instead of 0.63 to avoid maintenance factor to be applied twice.
  • Would the result change if model registered with old version is used on new version of software?
    No. The maintenance factor will be assumed to be 1 for old version windows to keep the results same. However, it is important to modify the glazing transmittance if any maintenance factor is included with it when the windows are updated on the new version of software.
  • Is it possible to not use the maintenance factor completely to avoid any mix up?
    Yes. If the loss of daylight is set to 0. The maintenance factor will remain 1 which will work like the old version of the software

How to specify offset values for VSC, APSH and ADF?

  • Offset value should be positive to go towards the room and negative to go away from the room
  • For example, Assuming VSC and APSH calculation point is on the outside of a 0.3 meter wall, ADF calculation point is on the mid-point of the wall, the offset can be set as below
Window Location\Calculation VSC & APSH Offset ADF Offset
Window on Outside Wall 0 0.15
Window on Centre of Wall -0.15 0
Window on the Inside Wall -0.30 -0.15

What are the steps to modify shape of registered Room polylines?

  • Change the shape of the Room polyline
  • Query the Room address or Select polyline for the concerned Room(s) on Register dialog/ Update Mode/ Room
  • If the room was already listed when the changes were made, Re-Query the room
  • Register dialog /Update Mode /Room. Update
  • DrawRoomGridPnts command can be used to confirm shape change has been updated correctly.

What are the steps to restore Room-Window link after copying rooms and windows?

  • Copy the required Rooms and windows
  • Paste the copied rooms and windows
  • Register dialog /Tools/ Copy Room-Window Link (Select the original rooms)
  • Register dialog /Tools/ Paste Room-Window Link (Select the copied rooms and windows)
  • Register dialog /Update Mode /Room to update the room grid points.
  • DrawRoomGridPnts command should be used to confirm the room has been updated correctly.

What are the steps to copy amenity to another model?

  • Copy the required Amenities and Paste to a new model
  • Register/Update Mode/ Amenity. Update the Amenity
  • Use DrawAmenityGridPnts command to confirm the copy is done correctly

Can room/amenity polyline have a curve?

  • No. It’s not possible because of Autocad issues on triangulation of such polylines.

Can window polyline have a curve?

  • Yes

Can a room/amenity polyline with a slope be registered?

  • No. The polyline must be horizontal and coplanar.

Can a 3D polyline be registered as room/amenity/window?

  • No. It must be a Lightweight 2D polyline. Heavyweight 2D polylines can be converted to Lightweight using convertpoly command.

Why is Amenity registration taking a very long time?

  • The default grid spacing of 0.3 means there could be thousands of calculation points within the area which causes the registration time to increase. Grid spacing can be increased slightly to improve the registration time.

Can room/window groups be automaticaly created?

  • Yes. Register dialog/Create Groups

What unit is used by the software?

  • Meters. If the model is in millimeters, Registration and conversion process would take forever and/or give error. Model must be scaled to meters.

Why do I see message regarding Translation(shift) coordinates on opening a drawing ?

To avoid arithmetic precision error during the calculations the converted model and registered rooms/windows etc. are internally moved to near origin.

The translation point is created if a sample point from the model has a large coordinate. It will be used and applied on further conversions and calculations. It is saved against the drawing file and cannot be deleted.

The process of creating the translation point takes place only once on opening a software dialogue and would display a message asking the user to save the document before moving on to other tasks. Saving the document is mandatory at this stage in order not to lose the newly added data on the drawing file.

A coordinate with more than 5 digits on the integer part is regarded as large coordinate. e.g. any number > 99999.00

It is crucial to use a unique translation point between same copies of a drawing file to maintain the results. Using different transformation could potentially result in different calculation outputs.

Software Versions prior to 5.0 save the translation point in ShiftCoord.txt file and it was up to the user to copy the ShiftCoord.txt file to the new place in order to guarantee the results won’t change.
Since version 5.0 the point is saved against the drawing and will be available on multiple copies of the file. Hence no external file is used.

To view the added translation points open the Project Settings dialogue > Model Translation History tab


Compatibility Issue

If ShiftCoord.txt file exists,  the translation point is read from the file and will be created using this point to ensures compatibility with older versions(less than 5.0). However once the point is saved against the document the ShiftCoord.txt file is no longer accessed.

Where is Rasterize(XNB) option?

  • The Rasterize rendering option is discontinued from Version 4.1 onwards. The new default Raycasting rendering option can create waldram images similar to the rasterize option.

Can PROPOSED group be created automatically when doing ROL cutbacks?

  • Yes. Tick the Auto create PROPOSED group option in Asset tab.
    It will re create the group from objects in 3D_PROPOSED_BUILDINGS layer.

No Contour is created after running ROL/DD Calculation

  • Use DrawRoomGridPoints to check calculation points position. They should be located in the WP height. If not update the room(this is usually the case if the room is moved/rotated/reshaped without being updated).
  • Check if the window is facing inside, it must face outside. Use SpinWindows command to fix.
  • Convert the model if windows have been updated but the model has not been converted again.
  • View the model in Conceptual mode and check if any entities block the window.
  • Use DrawRoomTriangles command to check the triangulation. If it gives error, then the problem may be the room is not registered properly.

What transparency value should be used for Waldram image?

  • Transparency: 0 = When overlapping, Proposed on top, Existing Hidden
  • Transparency: 255 = When overlapping, Existing on top, Proposed Hidden
  • Transparency :155 (or anything in middle) = Both visible

What does the color of the dot indicate in APSH Waldram diagram?

  • Dark Blue dot indicates winter sun
  • Dark Yellow dot indicates summer sun
  • light Blue dot indicates blocked winter sun
  • light yellow dot indicates blocked summer sun
  • Dot with hole indicate that the dot is seen by more than one window.

What does the colour of the dot indicate in SE Waldram diagram?

  • Dark Yellow dot indicates sun dot visible from the window.
  • Light yellow dot indicates sun dot blocked for the window.
  • Red dot indicates that the dot is seen by more than one window in the room.

Do I need to Assign Material for registered Windows?

No. Any registered windows will automatically get ThinGlass material(or glass in Radiance format). Therefore it is not required to create records for them in Material Table.

What happens to registered Windows Glazing Transmittance?

Any registered windows will automatically get ThinGlass material(or glass in Radiance format). Therefore it is not required to create records for them in Material Table. The material requires normal incidence transmittance for its definition which is derived from the ADF properties of the window at the registration time.

Td: Diffuse Transmittance (is used in BRE ADF formula)

Tn: Normal Incidence Transmittance

According to BRE Appendix C:

“diffuse transmittance can be found by multiplying the manufacturer’s normal incidence light transmittance by 0.91”

Tn = (Td ÷ 0.91) 

And from BS8206 15.2:

“If daylight factors are calculated from the overall aperture area in the wall or roof, instead of the net glazed area, a further correction factor should be used. If there are any other obstructions, such as curtains or structural supports, the overall transmittance should be reduced in proportion to the area of opening that they obscure.”

T = Tn × GM × MF

T is the value used to derive parameters required for definition of glass material on any ray-tracing based Climate and Daylight Factor calculation.

GM: Frame Factor
MF: Maintenance Factor

What are the steps to Preview the results?

  • Select the required tab Window(s)/Room(s)/Amenity
  • Tick Self Test option if the result is only for Proposed group
  • Use a Group or Select items on combo box below the calculation name
  • VSC and APSH results are shown together and uses VSC group
  • Click Preview
  • Note: There is no need select the tick boxes next to the calculation name for Preview

What are the steps to Export the results?

  • Select the tick boxes next to the calculation name to be exported. (ROL, DD, ADF, VSC, APSH, Amenity or ALL)
  • Tick Self Test option if the result is only for Proposed group
  • Tick CSV Report option to export the results in csv format
  • Use a Group or Select items on combo box below the calculation name
  • VSC and APSH results are exported in same sheet for (default) report and uses VSC group. Bespoke reports may vary.
  • Click Export to File

How to use tags from Project Settings in Reports?

  • Replaceable tags can be inserted in Excel template including header and footer. They should be specified as <tag> e.g. <Project Name> <Report Title>. The values can be defined in Project Settings dialog.

What are the steps to add results to the label?

  • Select entity type Window/Room/Amenity
  • Tick Existing, Proposed or both options as necessary
  • Select the result to be added VSC/APSH/ADF/DD/ROL
  • Tick Show Failures option to highlight the failed results with red coloured labels
  • Click on Add Labels to add/update labels

Why are Mesh colours not seen in Autocad?

  • Mesh objects are visible by layer colour in Wireframe view. Change view to Realistic/Shaded to see the individual Mesh face colours.
    To see Mesh face colours in Wireframe view, explode the Mesh so that it gives faces whose colours can be seen in any view.

Rendered image is too bright. Most objects in the image are washed out and are not visible.

Adjust the exposure using the slider in Render dialogue. This linearly changes the image brightness. if the image is too bright or too dark, the level of the brightness can be adjusted
by changing the exposure level through the slider.

In Path tracing mode the slider updates the image immediately without a need to render the image.

In Radiance mode, the exposure takes effect after rendering it image again. Alternatively you may tick “Open Radiance image with wxfalsecolor” option in Setting > General tab to open the Radiance image in wxfalsecolor application to set the exposure directly. This  immediately updates the image without re-run.

The colour banding legend info font on the image is too big.

The legend font for “Potential Glare” images are set via Settings dialogue > Color tab > Font dialogue.
The hours text font name and size displayed on the “Potential Glare” image is set through Render dialogue > Settings tab > Glare > Font dialogue

Dialog Commands

  • wald Opens the Calculation dialog. This dialog can be used to convert the model and to run various calculations.
  • rgst Opens the Register dialog. This dialog can be used to register and update rooms, windows and amenities.
  • rpt Opens the Report dialog. This dialog can be used to preview and export various calculation results.
  • lbls Opens the Label dialog. This dialog can be used to add and modify reference labels, results and solids to rooms, windows and amenities.
  • facade Opens the Facade dialog. This dialog can be used to register the facades, unRegister facades and to clear Facade results.
  • mbsrndr Opens the Render dialog. This dialog can be used to render images.
  • cutbackmbs Opens the Cutback dialog. This dialog can be used to facilitate a cutback.
  • viewtest Opens the view out assessment dialog. This dialog can be used to visualise view out tests.
  • mbssettings Opens the combine Project and Application settings dialog (Version 6 onwards only)
  • mbslegends Opens the Legends dialog (Version 6 onwards only)
  • mbsmaterial Opens the Material dialog (Version 6 onwards only)

All dialogs consist of menu to access general settings, project specific settings and software version information.

Scripts for dialogs

  • cnvrtmbs Allows to convert Groups. This command can be used to quickly convert the groups
  • waldscript Allows to run calculations from saved scripts. This command can be used to quickly run calculation if it is being run repeatedly. The script can be saved locally or
    in a shared folder.
  • rptscript Allows to export reports from saved scripts. This dialog can be used to quickly export results. The script can only be saved locally.

Both waldscript and rptscript allow to save groups or selected entities

Utility Commands

  • SubtractCutback Command to manually subtract Cutback objects from Proposed solids. Subtracted objects are put in CutbackInterference layer
  • SkyScanner Command to visualize the irradiance and sky component calculation from centre of the window
  • SunAPSH Command to visualize APSH calculation from the centre of the window.
  • HrSC Command to calculate ROL and DD for a given set of points under uniform and CIE overcast sky
  • CalcIrrad Command to calculate daylight factor for given points. Settings are taken from Settings dialogue.
  • CreateSectionLayers Command to create layers required for Sections. Default suffox is “Plans”. User can also provide custom Suffix.
    This command can be used to automatically create layers for section. Layers will be created in the format of BuildingName_FloorName_Plans for all floors of all buildings in the model. User can change the _Plans suffix if needed. It also creates a layer property filter named plans

Debugging Commands

  • MBSVersion Command to show current version of Waldram Tools Software.
    This command shows Waldram Tools version, Company Code and last update date.
  • MBSJobFolder Command to open waldram job folder for the active model
    This folder contains the exported report files, images, backup results, log file and model specific settings.
  • MBSConfigFolder Command to open waldram config/settings folder for the current user
    This folder contains user specific settings, master copies of model specific settings, report templates and other software related files.
  • MBSLogFile Command to open the waldram log file for the active model
    The log file contains debug information and error log related to the model.
  • RoomInfo Command to show basic information about registered Room
    This command shows Room id, attached windows, setting values and calculation results.
  • WindowInfo Command to show basic information about registered Window
    This command shows Window id, attached room, setting values and calculation results.
  • DrawRoomGridPnts Command to draw grid points for rooms
    This command can be used to draw grid points used for the calculation of contours. It is useful to check the grid points are in correct location in the model when the contour doesn’t appear after running calculation.
  • DrawAmenityGridPnts Command to draw grid points for amenities
    This command can be used to draw grid points used for the calculation of contours. It is useful to check the grid points are in correct location in the model when the contour doesn’t appear after running calculation.
  • DrawModelGrid Command to draw grid points for the whole model
    This command can be used to draw grid structure of the whole model created by the conversion process.
  • DrawRoomTri Command to draw triangles for rooms
    This command can be used to draw triangles used for the calculation of contours.
  • DrawAmntTri Command to draw triangles for amenities
    This command can be used to draw triangles used for the calculation of contours.
  • DrawModelTri Command to draw triangles for the whole model
    This command can be used to draw triangles created by the conversion process.
  • MinBB Command to draw minimum bounding box for windows
  • Trace Command to visualize Raytracing and material behaviour
  • NoResults Command to highlight entities with 0 or no result

Error Fixing Commands

  • SpinWindows Command to display Window normals and fix inside facing windows.This command can be used to rotate windows, which are facing towards the room, by 180 degrees to make them face away
    from the room.
  • SlopeWindows Command to display Window which are inclined below certain angle and to remove the inclination.This command can be used to remove inclination from windows which are accidently inclined by few degrees.
  • CExtDic Command to fix corrupted extension dictionary for windowsThis command is useful for example if waldram images are created but no results appear on report.
  • CopyLinkW2R Command to fix Room to Window linkThis command can be used to fix Room-window link when Window-Room link is correct but Room-Window link is broken.

Highlighting Room interior Surfaces

The ExtractRoomSurfaces command is a utility command in AutoCAD that automatically extracts floors, walls and ceilings and put them in corresponding layers.

  1. Make sure rooms and windows are registered for the building that you want to assign material.
  2. Type the command name in command bar and press Enter.
  3. It asks to “select buildings, rooms and windows”. Select the building, together with all the rooms and windows on this building and press Enter
  4. Once the command is done, three layers “walls”, “floors” and “ceilings” in different colors are created which contains all corresponding objects.

Know issues and limitations with this command:

  • any type of object is supported including solid, 3d face or mesh
  • as it uses ray-casting approach to detect surfaces, it assumes the model has already been converted through the Run dialogue.
  • assumes the model is light tied. That is internal walls between rooms, floors and ceilings do exist in the model. It does not create any walls or ceilings.
  • A single object can only get one material for both back and front face. Therefore if there is no wall thickness, the object will go into indoor(wall, floor or ceiling) layer and would be assigned a material respectably.
  • Window bars and frames are not detected and based on the orientation they would go in either of floor, wall or ceiling layers. A manual process is required to set frames and bars in correct layer.

Although this command does most of the job, there must be a QA process to review the output and to check if objects has been assigned to correct layer.